Good for your gut, Good for your soul.
You may have recently heard the term “gut health” and thought it was just a trendy catch phrase. But there is so much more to it! If you want to get a little nerdy for a second, keep reading:
Our “guts” or gastrointestinal tract, consists of colonies of bacteria that ultimately effect the digestion and absorption of food, intestinal microbiota, immune system, and even our overall well-being.
There are many foods that support this bacteria, such a prebiotics (fibrous foods that act as fertilizer to these gut bugs), and probiotics (fermented foods that consist of microorganisms that multiply and diversify those same bugs).
Cue sourdough! Sourdough is made possible and delicious by adding “starter” which is a fermented colony of yeast (an awesome probiotic!) This means that these helpful bacteria make their way into all our sourdough baked goods! In fact, our starter came from a “mother” starter from Oregon that is over 100 years old! So it’s super robust and lends a lovely sour flavor.
Last fun fact—because sourdough is fermented, much of the gluten gets fermented out of the bread, making it easier on those who are sensitive. Please note, our products are NOT gluten free. but do contain less gluten than traditional varieties.