• What is the best way to store my bread?

    • Room temp in air-tight bag or container. Best if you are going to finish eating within 1-3 days.

    • In refrigerator in air-tight bag or container. Best if you are going to finish eating within 1-2 weeks.

    • In freezer in air-tight bag or container. Best if you don’t plan to eat it for longer than 1 week (good frozen for 3 months in standard freezer or 6 months in deep freezer). Just thaw at room temperature when you’re ready to eat then use either of the 2 storing methods above.

    In all 3 options I recommend slicing as you eat it so as much moisture as possible stays in the loaf! Also, I recommend warming each slice (via toaster, microwave or oven) to “revive” the bread and bring out its best flavor before you eat it!

  • What is the best way to slice my bread loaves?

    For all country loaves, I recommend first slicing the entire loaf in half, then laying each half open crumb side down (so the curved round edge is facing upward), then slice at desired thickness. This makes slicing through the sometimes tough bottom crust much easier!

  • Are any of the sourdough items gluten free?

    In short, no, none of the menu items are gluten free. However, EVERYTHING is fermented with active sourdough starter for a minimum of 24 hours, which allows the gluten protein to break down during the fermentation process. This makes the gluten much easier to digest, and many who are sensitive to gluten can tolerate it much better than conventional bread and baked goods.

  • Can sourdough items be shipped across the U.S.?

    Shipping of fresh products is not something I offer because I prefer all sourdough to arrive very fresh and be consumed ideally immediately. However, I do ship my sourdough starter in a dehydrated format across the U.S! It can then be revived and baked with anywhere!

  • Why are there no instructions included with the fresh and dehydrated sourdough starter?

    Essentially because there are MANY uses for sourdough starter beyond bread making—sourdough starter replaces the leavening agent in baked goods, so virtually any baked good can be made with sourdough starter! That would be a lot of information to try to include! And if bread making is what you hope to use it for, there are many many methods, and I recommend finding one that works best for you and for your schedule. If you are new to baking sourdough, I recommend getting a book titled “The Sourdough Whisperer” by Elaine Boddy, it’s full of amazing beginner information!

  • Will there ever be whole grain/whole wheat sourdough options on the menu?

    Yes! I am hoping to soon experiment with different flour blends in my breads, as whole grain and whole wheat is often asked about! Always check the website for new product items!